A dwarf running a smithy at the Royal Capital. He’s been making weapons and serving customers in the store all by himself. He is originally from Ludnik and trained under Rojina alongside Gold. After Gold left to start his own smithy in Crimonia, he said he’d see what he could do in a place like the capital and left although nobody expected him to go to the Royal Capital.
He made Yuna's mithril fighting knives and she gave him an Iron Golem which he placed outside his store to attract customers.
He is serious seeming dwarf who is shocked by several things about Yuna.
Ghazal-san was a craftsman, but he made sure to know his cut (Ch. 151).
He appears to be your typical bearded dwarf as tall or slightly taller than Yuna.
- She appears to have a crush on him and given he's still alone the feelings may be mutual. Although her parents think he viewed her a sister.
- Fellow disciple of Rojina
- Former master.