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She also claims that she's only slightly shorter than average than most girls her age[3]
and that her chest is only slightly smaller than most other girls'[4].
author describes her as 150 cm maybe 151 cm (Vol. 11.5)
↑ author describes her as flat chested (Vol. 11.5)
Methinks there's an author in grave danger of being BEAR-PUNCHED.
What is the source of the spelling of names and places on the wiki because I'm reading the English translations of the LN's and they're using different spellings. For example volume 2 spells it Foschrosé while the wiki has it spelt Foschurose
Does anyone here know how to at least read Japanese because there are a few things I want to translate (specifically, the voice actors' comments). If you can, thank youuu because i'll be adding the comments in the characters' articles and waiting for someone to translate it :) it'd be really helpful if you can so thank you
How do people feel about the game elements slowly being phased out of the story. She’s hasn’t looked at her status screen forever, we haven't been told about her level (what it is or when it goes up) and she only reveals gained new abilities when it’s plot convenient. We also haven't seen any more of these treasures Kuma Kami left for her since Bearmonite which really got dragged out as far as resolving it and figuring out its use.
Are you glad to see the back of those elements or do you miss them and wish we got more of them
I find it kind of sad that for all the time I read the webnovel the 3D function of the map never did show up again despite that there is one adventure where it might be useful again.
I'm a huge fan of both the manga, anime and light novel and think it is simply amazing that the author went as far as to stay consistent with the use of Yunas ability to heighten her abilities by imagining bears when it comes to her houses or other complex builds with earth magic and adds bears into places where most don't even notice in the manga.
How could the screenwriters for this anime dare to turn Yuna into a Yuri lolicon?!?!?!?! Yuna adores children as a whole due to the absurdity of the adult world she saw full throttle while on Earth. she wants all children to have a happy life even if they are in an orphanage. and Fina does want to be be around Yuna a lot but sh e never has a conundrum of wanting to be with her always. screenwriters please control yourselves! I love the Mrs. Bear Fan Club that was added in the Anime but... seriously???? Yuri lolicon??? are you psychotic? this hilarious series has no need for this. Yuna's absurdity is the basis of this storyline, and in the translated light novel has not even started thinking about a love interest and that's after over 300 chapters!!!!!!!!!!!! Even my husband agrees with me! I get that things can get a lil dry when they take to long. no care. change the relationship between 2 characters? no way
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As i've noticed with other wikis, is there a discord server for this fandom?
Greetings! I am Kitsunes97. I am an bureaucrat here at the Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Wiki. I am looking to recruit a couple more people to join the admin team to help out the wiki.
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What ever happened to the mysterious bearmonite she got after defeating the mithril golem in chapter 146.
Its never mentioned again
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